For the last eight years, Cartoon Network’s fantastical series Adventure Time has been making an incredible impact in the world of animation, and the TV industry in general. Just about every recent American cartoon that deals in existential, absurdist, or Dadaist humor and themes has been influenced by the series. The same goes for recent American cartoons that explore themes of queerness and gender. Without Adventure Time there’s no Steven Universe, no Clarence, no Summer Camp Island, no Rick and Morty. We owe a lot to the groundbreaking weirdness of Adventure Time.

On Sunday, the series ended its monumental run and wrapped up some of its most beloved storylines — including the long-speculated and hinted at relationship between two of the main characters, Princess Bubblegum (PB) and Marceline the Vampire Queen. Ever since their earliest encounters, fans and crew members have been writing, tweeting, talking and creating fan art about the two being a romantic couple. It has taken 10 beautiful seasons for the relationship to become canon, but in the series finale, we finally got confirmation: Bubbline is real. To mark the end of an era, we’re remembering our favorite moments between PB and Marceline.


“Hello, Bonnibel”

This is the earliest episode on the list and it’s the first time we see Marceline and Bubblegum share the screen. It’s couples night in the Land of Ooo and Finn is trying to ask Princess Bubblegum out on a date. Naturally, he and Jake turn to their vampire friend Marceline for advice. When Bubblebum sees the Vampire Queen, she side eyes her and says “Hey, Marceline,” to which she playfully teases “Hello, Bonnibel,” letting us know Bubblegum’s first name — and that Marceline is one of the few people who’s allowed to call her by it.

“I’m Just Your Problem”
